I am blessed to be heading to a Church Planter's Conference in Oklahoma City, OK. I will be leaving in just another two hours. This conference will be hosted by Heartland Baptist Bible College. I am excited for the opportunity to visit the campus and to see some friends from my college days. I graduated from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College while it was in San Dimas (before it became HBBC and moved to OK). I am thankful to know that there are so many pastors who are burdened for church planting.
Please pray:
• For a safe journey
• For my heart to be challenged and stirred
• For the needs of many church planters to be met
• For me to make many good contacts with preachers who can support Golden Valley Baptist Church through prayer and finances
• For the many church planters to encourage the hearts of those who are already pastoring
• For my wife and son
We will be praying for this to be a great trip in every way that you mentioned above.